Guess the hex code of the color of the title. The background will change to the value of your guess.
wrong place
HEX color is are used to represent an additive color model with hexadecimal values. Colors result from transmitted light. An absence of all light is black and the combination of all is white.
The first two letters/numbers refer to the percentage of red light, the next two refer to green light, and the last two refer to blue light.
The color values are defined in values between 00 and FF, instead of from 0 to 255 in RGB. Numbers are used when the value is 1-9. Letters are used when the value is higher than 9 (eg: A=10, B=11, C=12...F=15)
To convert the hexadecimal number system to the decimal number system:
Step 1: Multiply each digit with the powers of 16 starting from the units place of the number.
Step 2: Simplify each of the products and add them.
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